Apus Accounting services
Management accounts & financial projections
Management accounts

Thorough and professional management accounts are vital, whether you want to run your business as efficiently as possible or have ambitious growth plans.

They provide the foundation for making well-informed and strategic business decisions that will maximise the profitability of your business.

Done properly, management accounts are a really useful tool. They provide a deep insight into how the business is performing today, looking at many factors including profit & loss, cashflow, and balance sheets. I work closely with my clients to analyse the previous month in detail which enables us to review sales figures, profitability, overheads, stock levels, creditors, and debtors to determine a precise overview of the state of the business.

Apus Accounting services
Management accounts & financial projections
Financial projections

Once we’ve established the position of your business in today’s terms, we can then work together to look at the future.

I can help you quantify the impact of changes on the business – whether that’s factoring in market trends, increased sales, reduced overheads, extra staff, or different margins.

Financial projections can be done anything from monthly to annually, depending on the needs of your business, and will forecast the amount of cash, as well as the profit. It’s also useful in helping to ensure that not all of your cash is tied up in working capital.

Case study
Forecasting financial performance

My client, a manufacturing company, had very limited information in their monthly management accounts. In addition, management accounts were taking several weeks to produce as they relied upon an external accountant.

I worked with them to develop a monthly reporting template covering P&L, balance sheet and cashflow, as well as financial and operational KPI’s. I also created an easy way of comparing month end WIP with the previous month and developed a fully integrated financial model that could be updated each month.

This resulted in more timely monthly management accounts and a greater accuracy of their financial projections, as well as enabling the management team to have a better understanding of what was driving the business forward and what areas were causing problems.

This allowed them to take corrective action sooner, with a direct impact on their margins.

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